Control and deal with risks

and manage stress

With our training and experience, we wanted to design two training courses with the best practices specific to the environment, especially for those who do not know the aeronautical field.

Training in risk and crisis management
The responsiveness of staff to risks is the key to performance under intense stress.
Knowing the human factors is fundamental.
This training in risk and crisis management will teach you how to identify risks, how to manage them and how to be prepared for a crisis.
You will know how to anticipate crisis situations in order to minimize the consequences.
Stress management training
In addition to risk and crisis management, Helistrategy, thanks to apnea and sophrology partners, suggests that you combine specific training in stress management to better manage crisis situations.
The added value offered by this training is to practice it in real conditions, staging in an aquatic environment.


Performing a technical flight has become a real profession governed by a specific regulation requiring training and dedicated practice sessions to maintain the level of awareness.

Helistrategy, with its experience in the field and flight test crews, created a specific theoretical and practical Maintenance Check Flight (MCF) training that goes beyond the new requirements of EASA.

MCF Theoretical Training

In addition to a reminder of the EASA regulations, the MCF training offers participants a deep analysis of the aircraft’s behavior in the sensitive phases of technical flights, on a 6-hour basis.
With a perfect understanding of the physical phenomena, the pilot will be able to react in the most appropriate way to situations encountered.
Pilots are not the only ones concerned: Helistrategy trains all the people involved in the maintenance of the aircraft to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the machine tuning in complete safety.

MCF simulator or in-flight training

There is nothing like practice to implement the theory.
Helistrategy offer to continue the training with intensive use of simulator or real flights to practice information just learned.
With a unique in flight or simulator experience, teams will be trained to react to the best possible to face contingencies they may encounter during technical flights.

Customized Training

If you want to involve the entire team in charge of the tuning of the aircraft, we also propose to come to carry out training within your company and on your own aircrafts.
Nothing beats training in one’s environment to initiate change.

You want to know more about this?

Let us know your needs in the form below
If you are interested by this training, please describe your need so that we could build the project you need.
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